Thursday, February 26, 2009

I need help!!

Hello everyone!!
So sorry for the panicky title...but i wanted to
know if anyone knows how a blogger user here can delete a blog?
when i joined blogger accidentally i created 2 blogs,
and would like to delete the first one , it's really confusing when
i log in and both come up...
if anyone knows i would appreciate any help :)
thanks so much :)

have a good weekend :)


Jade Scarlett said...

Kat, same thing happened to me and I deleted one of blogs. Go to your dashboard, click settings on the blog you want to delete and the very first option on that page is blog tools - delete blog. That's it, your blog is poof!


Katerina Koukiotis said...

thank you((((jade))) so much!!! i followed your instructions and i was able to delete it!!! thank YOU so much for all your help
have a lovely weekend :)