Hello everyone :)
Hope everyone is doing good :)
I finally updated my website with a new more
"springly" look based on my Magical Garden artwork:)
Hope you all like it :)
This concerns all the tube/graphic lovers out there
a new 5th package with my artwork is available
through AMI :)
And finally i finished uploading lots of my VERY early
artworks on my website in a gallery entitled,
Early Beginnings, i feel we all have to begin from somewhere
no matter what we do ,and this is my progress as an artist.
I feel bad couldn't share more and didn't realize once going
through my old work just how much of it there was !! but
i picked some of my favorites hope you enjoy :)
And to ALL my Irish friends, supporters and fans of my artwork
have a wonderful St Patrick's day all the best to you :)
I'm sharing one of my first animations i did of my Irish Fae
artwork hope you all enjoy ;)
Talk to you all soon